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- 'Extended Properties Information VBScript
- 'Version 1.5
- 'Created 4th June 2002
- 'Last Modified 19th March 2003
- 'Copyright 2003, Rowan Gillson
- 'Not redistributable without express permission from author.
- 'Suitable for Windows 2000/Windows XP only.
- '
- '
- 'comments to r_gillson@hotmail.com or ICQ # 14894674
- on error resume Next
- Set NetworkInfoSet = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'WMI Class Enumerator
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub GetWMI(ComputerName, WMIArray, WMIQuery)
- Set WMIClass = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
- & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & ComputerName & "\root\cimv2")
- Set WMIArray = WMIClass.ExecQuery(WMIQuery)
- End Sub
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Network information functions
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays external IP address
- Function IPAddress(ComputerName, NICIndex)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, IPConfigSet, "Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where Index=" & NICIndex)
- For Each objIPInfo in IPConfigSet
- IPAddress = objIPInfo.IPAddress(0)
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays logged on username
- Function UserName()
- UserName = NetworkInfoSet.UserName
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays computers network name
- Function ComputerName()
- ComputerName = NetworkInfoSet.ComputerName
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays domain name for network users, if no domain, displays machine name
- Function DomainName()
- DomainName = NetworkInfoSet.UserDomain
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays current Primary Group for domain users only, will not work for non-domain computers
- Function PrimaryGroup()
- Dim objUser
- Dim Group, aGroup, PrimaryGroupRID
- Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & NTDomain & "/" & NTUser & ",user")
- PrimaryGroupRID = objUser.Get("PrimaryGroupID")
- For Each Group in objUser.Groups
- aGroup = Group.Name
- If Rid(aGroup) = PrimaryGroupRID then
- PrimaryGroup = aGroup
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- Private Function Rid(aGroup)
- Dim objGroup, Sid, sTmp, x, b
- Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://" & NTDomain & "/" & aGroup & ",group")
- Sid = objGroup.Get("objectSID")
- sTmp = ""
- For x = UBound(Sid) to UBound(Sid)-3 Step -1
- b = AscB(MidB(SID, x + 1))
- sTmp = sTmp & Hex(b \ 16) & Hex(b And 15)
- Next
- Rid = Clng("&H" & sTmp)
- Set objGroup = Nothing
- End Function
- Private Function NTDomain
- Dim varDomain
- Set varDomain = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
- NTDomain = varDomain.UserDomain
- End Function
- Private Function NTUser
- Dim varUser
- Set varUser = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
- NTUser = varUser.UserName
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays workgroup or domain depending on membership to either.
- Function WorkgroupName(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, SystemInfoSet, "Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
- For Each sWGVar in SystemInfoSet
- sWG = sWGVar.Domain(0)
- If IsNull(sWG) Then
- Else
- WorkgroupName = sWG
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays external IP address
- Function DomainRole(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, SystemInfoSet, "Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
- For Each objDomainInfo in SystemInfoSet
- sDomainRoleVar = objDomainInfo.DomainRole
- Next
- Select Case sDomainRoleVar
- Case 0: DomainRole = "Standalone Workstation"
- Case 1: DomainRole = "Member Workstation"
- Case 2: DomainRole = "Standalone Server"
- Case 3: DomainRole = "Member Server"
- Case 4: DomainRole = "Backup Domain Controller"
- Case 5: DomainRole = "Primary Domain Controller"
- End Select
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Video display information functions
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays description of video card
- Function VideoCardDescription(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, VideoDeviceSet, "Select * from Win32_VideoController where DeviceID='VideoController1'")
- For Each objVideoInfo in VideoDeviceSet
- VideoCardDescription = objVideoInfo.Description
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays video card RAM amount
- Function VideoRAM(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, VideoDeviceSet, "Select * from Win32_VideoController where DeviceID='VideoController1'")
- For Each objVideoInfo in VideoDeviceSet
- VideoRAM = objVideoInfo.AdapterRAM/1048576
- Next
- End Function
- '-------------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays current screen resolution
- Function VideoResolution(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, VideoDeviceSet, "Select * from Win32_VideoController where DeviceID='VideoController1'")
- For Each objVideoInfo in VideoDeviceSet
- VideoResolution = objVideoInfo.CurrentHorizontalResolution & _
- " x " & objVideoInfo.CurrentVerticalResolution
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays current refresh rate of video card in MHZ
- Function VideoRefreshRateMHz(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, VideoDeviceSet, "Select * from Win32_VideoController where DeviceID='VideoController1'")
- For Each objVideoInfo in VideoDeviceSet
- VideoRefreshRateMHz = objVideoInfo.CurrentRefreshRate
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays current video driver version
- Function VideoDriverVersion(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, VideoDeviceSet, "Select * from Win32_VideoController where DeviceID='VideoController1'")
- For Each objVideoInfo in VideoDeviceSet
- VideoDriverVersion = objVideoInfo.DriverVersion
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'CPU Information Functions
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays CPU Description
- Function CPUDescription(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, CPUInfoSet, "Select * from Win32_Processor")
- For Each objProcessors in CPUInfoSet
- CPUDescription = objProcessors.Name
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays CPU Clock speed
- Function CPUSpeed(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, CPUInfoSet, "Select * from Win32_Processor")
- For Each objProcessors in CPUInfoSet
- CPUSpeed = objProcessors.MaxClockSpeed & " MHz"
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays CPU FSB speed
- Function CPUFSB(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, CPUInfoSet, "Select * from Win32_Processor")
- For Each objProcessors in CPUInfoSet
- CPUFSB = objProcessors.ExtClock & " MHz"
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays CPU Multiplier speed
- Function CPUMultiplier(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, CPUInfoSet, "Select * from Win32_Processor")
- For Each objProcessors in CPUInfoSet
- CPUMultiplier = Round(objProcessors.MaxClockSpeed / objProcessors.ExtClock,1)
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays CPU Model
- Function CPUModel(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, CPUInfoSet, "Select * from Win32_Processor")
- For Each objProcessors in CPUInfoSet
- CPUModel = objProcessors.Caption
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays number of CPU's in system
- Function CPUProcessors(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, SystemInfoSet, "Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
- For Each objProcessors in SystemInfoSet
- CPUProcessors = objProcessors.NumberOfProcessors
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Environment Information Functions
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays OS build number
- Function OSBuildNumber(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, OSInfoSet, "Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
- For Each objOperatingSystem in OSInfoSet
- OSBuildNumber = objOperatingSystem.BuildNumber
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays OS build type
- Function OSBuildType(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, OSInfoSet, "Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
- For Each objOperatingSystem in OSInfoSet
- OSBuildType = objOperatingSystem.BuildType
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays Service Pack version info
- Function OSSrvPack(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, OSInfoSet, "Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
- For Each objOperatingSystem in OSInfoSet
- OSSrvPack = objOperatingSystem.CSDVersion
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------
- 'Displays OS Name
- Function OSName(ComputerName)
- Call GetWMI(ComputerName, OSInfoSet, "Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
- For Each objOperatingSystem in OSInfoSet
- OSName = objOperatingSystem.Caption
- Next
- End Function
- '-----------------------------------------------------